Big news from LizzyLife…
I’m excited to announce that the LizzyLife YouTube channel is finally up and running! (Happy dance in front of the computer!)
I’m also excited to announce that our marriage and sanity survived the learning-curve process. (Because seriously, we had Major Technical Difficulties, involving several phone calls to my new BFFs, Quentin and Yolanda at Apple Care.)
And the first topic is . . . drum roll . . .
Simple ways to bring God into your family’s daily life!
So what’s the overall plan for the YouTube channel? I’ll be posting brief 5- to 10-minute videos on a variety of topics, primarily about building family God’s way. The welcome video gives simple ideas for ways we can center our families on God every day. Coming up next: a four-part series on the foundations we need to establish in our kids’ hearts from an early age: obedience, respect, honesty, and responsibility.
If you want to be notified every time I post a new video, you can subscribe to the LizzyLife channel, and YouTube will send you an email.
Click below to watch Building Family God’s Way: Welcome to LizzyLife! (Ahem. Public service announcement: Despite my Crazy Eyes in this thumbnail, it’s an upbeat video, and I am only a little bit crazy. 🙂 )
Thanks for watching!
If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy:
When Being a Grown-up Means You’re Still Growing Up
When Kids Know God Better than We Do
13 Reasons Moms Never Get Haircuts
13 Confidence-Building Scriptures for Kids and Teens
Before you go, don’t forget to sign up for my monthly parenting newsletter! Some recent newsletter topics have included “5 Ways to Help Siblings Become Friends” and “6 Simple Ways to Teach Kids to Walk with God.” As a welcome gift, you’ll receive a free download: 7 Two-Minute Devotions to Do Around the Breakfast Table with Kids!
Loved the new video series! Nothing makes me happier than to see people using their blessings and gifts to help others. So glad you are willing to do that.
Thanks so much, Heather! xoxo
Great video Elizabeth!! Can’t wait to see what the next one holds!
Thanks for watching, Kari!
Loved the video! So excited for you! I love the way you share your life and love for God and how you build your family with God as the amazing Father He is and desires to be for each one of us! Very powerful!
Thank you so much, Amy! That means a lot to me! I admire your family so much.
What a truly helpful video. You will never run out of great
material. I will pray that this goes “viral” throughout the families of our nation.
Thank you so much, Janet! I hope you and your family are well.
Loved this!! What an encouragement and help these are going to be. Again – you are putting into words what is so needed. Love you – and also – thank you, personally, for the things you said about Dad and I. You make us so proud! xoxo
Thanks, Mom! So proud to be your daughter—I’m the luckiest (most blessed) grown-up girl in the world!
You are a natural for this, Elizabeth!! I love how you are
using your talents, background and experiences to help
so many other moms….at such a crucial time when so
much godly wisdom is needed!!! Keep up the good work!
Aw, thank you SO much, Gloria! That means so much to me! Love to you and Al. xoxo
Yay!!! I am so excited!!! I agree with Gloria Baird, we are in a crucial time and desperately need godly wisdom. I don’t use facebook, twitter, etc but what can we do to spread the word about your videos? I love the practicals you share, it’s so helpful.
Hi Jessica! Thanks SO much for wanting to help spread the word! Hmmmm…. Some helpful ways to share: If you have friends or family who might be interested, you could email them the link to the videos, or if you belong to any parenting email groups (like from a church or a preschool), you could share it there, if it’s appropriate. Sometimes churches have newsletters where they list helpful resources—or even if you aren’t on FB, but your church has a parenting FB group, you could pass the channel on to the person who manages it, so they can post the link. Thanks again for wanting to share! It helps so much!