1. Love the hello, hate the good-bye.
2. Love the chocolate, hate the guilt.
3. Love the dog, hate the shedding.
4. Love the beach, hate the stickiness.
5. Love the rain, hate the mud.
6. Love the snow, hate the plow.
7. Love the holiday, hate the letdown.
8. Love the Band-aid, hate the removal.
9. Love the unexpected sale, hate the buyer’s remorse.
10. Love the buff husband, hate the workout laundry.
11. Love the yoga, hate the Weird Yoga Instructor Voice and Even Weirder Vocabulary.
12. Love the book, hate the movie.* (*With a few notable exceptions, including The Lord of the Rings, Anne of Green Gables, The Hunger Games, Pride and Prejudice, and most of the Harry Potter films.)
13. Love the mystery I can’t put down at night, hate the alarm clock in the morning.
I had so many more of these, it was tough to stop at thirteen . . . what are your loves and hates?
Love the sun, hate the heat.
Love organization, hate organizing.
Love having plans, hate planning.
Love adventure, hate getting lost.
Love GPS, hate that voice. “recalculating.”
Love waking up, hate getting out of bed.
Love coffee, hate coffee stains.
Love wearing cute clothes, hate hate shopping.
I love my life, hate when I forget that.
Haha, love THIS list! 🙂
These are awesome – where do you come up with all of your ideas??
Love the autumn leaves, hate having to dress in layers.
Love going to school, hate the school loans.
Love making breakfast for dinner, hate the cleanup afterwards.
And ditto on the holidays and letdown.
I’m with you on everything except the layers . . . oh how I love dressing in layers! Makes clothes-wearing so much more . . . layered. Nyuk, nyuk. 🙂